Best Books of the Year
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Eileen Caddy is one of the foremost sensitives and spiritual teachers of our times. Since the day in 1953 when she first heard an inner voice say "Be still and know that I am God," she has not only lived her personal life by that inner guidance, but has also been instrumental in creating the international spiritual community at Findhorn. Eileen realised that her role was to help others turn within and find their own inner direction, and her books reflect this encouragement to us all.
Product Details
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Findhorn Press; Third Edition, Third edition edition (January 1, 1992)
Eileen Caddy is co-founder of the spiritual Findhorn Community in Scotland. These messages were received from an inner voice that guided her in her live and work. The messages have a clarity that show a deep spirit connection. They always seem to be right on when I read them - they speak to me; like this one: "Learn to live simply, naturally, allowing each soul to find its own note and to use it in the orchestra. Share everything. Share all My gifts which I have given you." The speaker seems to be God himself and the truth of each message and its relevance to my life is immediately apparent. This little book is a great gift for somebody who isn't font of reading yet. Some messages are two or three sentences, other may be just one page. Just enough to go away inspired and reconnected with my higher power. Others will love it as well.
I love this's clear and concise. I like to open to random pages each day allowing the message on the pages to be my "mantra" for the day. I find peace and guidance in the words, and find myself reflecting on them throughout the day.
She wrote in the Introduction to this 1971 book, "It is in that inner peace and stillness that things begin to happen, and it was in that peace and stillness that I began to hear God's voice. This book ... contains some of the many messages which I have been given in this way over the last ten years. They have been edited, so that anything of a personal nature has been deleted. All can hear that still, small voice within. Try it. Be still and know that the I AM within you is God, the Beloved. Listen---then live by it. It really does work."
Here are some additional quotations from the book:
"Learn to live simply, naturally, allowing each soul to find its own note and to use it in the orchestra. Share everything. Share all my gifts which I have given you." (Pg. 22) "This is an historical and momentous time in the progress of humanity. At this time the veil is being rent in two and that which has been hidden through the ages is now to be revealed. The secrets of the sages will no longer be secrets, for all shall know about them." (Pg. 94) "The truth shall set you free. You ask where you can find that truth. I tell you---deep within. Where can you find wisdom and understanding? Again I say---within. When you are ready to receive the truth it is there waiting for you. Expand your consciousness and accept it." (Pg. 138)Read more ›